Results for 'David D. Peña Miranda'

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  1.  30
    Antecedents of CSR communication by hotels: The case of the Colombian Caribbean Region.Antoni Serra-Cantallops, David D. Peña Miranda & José Ramón-Cardona - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):323-337.
    By measuring the level of CSR communication carried out by hotels located in the Colombian Caribbean region and identifying the main determinant factors influencing this level (including pressure from the different stakeholders), this paper contributes to deepening our understanding of the antecedents of CSR communication in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in emerging economies and, particularly, in the hotel industry, for which no previous studies on this topic could be uncovered. The results reveal that the level of CSR disclosure (...)
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    Shorebirds’ Longer Migratory Distances Are Associated With Larger ADCYAP1 Microsatellites and Greater Morphological Complexity of Hippocampal Astrocytes.Diego de Almeida Miranda, Juliana Araripe, Nara G. de Morais Magalhães, Lucas Silva de Siqueira, Cintya Castro de Abreu, Patrick Douglas Corrêa Pereira, Ediely Pereira Henrique, Pedro Arthur Campos da Silva Chira, Mauro A. D. de Melo, Péricles Sena do Rêgo, Daniel Guerreiro Diniz, David Francis Sherry, Cristovam W. P. Diniz & Cristovam Guerreiro-Diniz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    For the epic journey of autumn migration, long-distance migratory birds use innate and learned information and follow strict schedules imposed by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, the details of which remain largely unknown. In addition, bird migration requires integrated action of different multisensory systems for learning and memory, and the hippocampus appears to be the integration center for this task. In previous studies we found that contrasting long-distance migratory flights differentially affected the morphological complexity of two types of hippocampus astrocytes. Recently, (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Evelena Orteza Y. Miranda, James M. Wallace, Carole L. Willis, David B. Bills, Richard A. Brosio, Timothy Glander, Judy D. Butler & Suzanne Yerian - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (1):62-101.
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  4. Personal Injury Consultation, Evaluation, and the Expert Witness David D. Stein.David D. Stein - 2009 - In Steven F. Bucky, Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings. Brunner-Routledge. pp. 21.
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    Teaching Diagnostic Reasoning to Medical Students: a four-step approach.David D. Friel & Krishan Chandar - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (4):557-586.
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    Fundamental Problems with Fundamental Research: A Meta-Theory for Social Psychology.David D. Clarke - 1987 - Philosophica 40.
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    The Physicality of the Sign.David D. Olds - 1992 - Semiotics:166-173.
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    Nikon D40 / D40x Digital Field Guide.David D. Busch - 2007 - Wiley.
    Nikon D40/D40x Digital Field Guide is filled with everything you need to know in order to take amazing photographs using your Nikon D40 or Nikon D40x. This full-color portable guide walks you through the essential controls, features, and functions of your Nikon D40 or D40x digital SLR using step-by-step instructions and full-color images of each menu screen. This robust guide not only shows you how to adjust white balance, autofocus, exposure, and choose lenses, it also teaches you when and why (...)
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  9. A Comparison of the Poetic Theories of Emerson and Poe.David D. Anderson - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4):471.
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    Recent Merton Criticism.David D. Cooper - 1982 - Renascence 34 (2):113-128.
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    Backwards to the future: The cultural turn and the wisdom of intellectual history.David D. Hall - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (1):171-184.
    Unlike the memory of the querulous and time-bending White Queen inThrough the Looking Glass, mine befits her complaint, inclined as I am to thinking backwards when asked to contemplate the state of our field. Backwards, then, I go in the first section of this essay, after a few opening comments on the situation of our field at the present moment. Thereafter, I describe the emergence of cultural history and summarize some of its strengths and weaknesses, to the end of reflecting (...)
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    James Griffin, on human rights.David D. Speetzen - 2010 - Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (3):389-394.
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    Reality and Textuality.David D. Cooper - 1992 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (1-2):27-45.
    For the past two decades, the humanistic disciplines have been dominated by poststructuralist theories and, more recently, a not unrelated curricular philosophy best defined as hardline multiculturalism, much discussed and often misunderstood. When linked together, they form an internal contradiction that is the moral challenge of liberal education today. Traditional political alignments cannot explain current divisions among the humanities professoriate. Ideological quarrels only obscure a deeper moral debate between an ascendant poststructuralism and a resurgent liberal humanism. It is important to (...)
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  14. La fortuna di Croce e Gentile negli Stati Uniti.David D. Roberts - 1994 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 53 (2–3):253-81.
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    Promiscuity in protein‐RNA interactions: Conformational ensembles facilitate molecular recognition in the spliceosome.David D. Boehr - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):174-180.
    Here I discuss findings that suggest a universal mechanism for proteins (and RNA) to recognize and interact with various binding partners by selectively binding to different conformations that pre‐exist in the free protein's conformational ensemble. The tandem RNA recognition motif domains of splicing factor U2AF65 fluctuate in solution between a predominately closed conformation in which the RNA binding site of one of the domains is blocked, and a lowly populated open conformation in which both RNA binding pockets are accessible. RNA (...)
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  16. Weakening and Strengthening History.David D. Roberts - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):133-145.
    Despite suggestions that the end of metaphysics leaves us with nothing but history, essential questions about the place of history in a post-metaphysical culture have been neglected. In one sense history "weakens" as the scope for "realism" or a teleological master narrative fall away. But it invites overreaction to suggest that history becomes a "process of weakening" insofar as things have come to be as they are not as the resultants of full, meaningful origins, but only through the "dread accident" (...)
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    Respect for Persons and Respect for Living Things.David D. Hicks - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (178):346-348.
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    Digitale Fotografie Für Dummies, Xxl-Edition.David D. Busch - 2004 - Wiley-Vch.
    Sie halten stolz Ihre neue digitale Kamera in den Händen und würden damit gerne alles übertreffen, was Sie jemals an Fotos geschossen haben? Mit Digitale Fotografie für Dummies XXL-Edition ist das kein Problem! David D. Busch gibt Ihnen nicht nur einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten der neuen Kameratechnik, sondern steigt mit Ihnen tief und Schritt für Schritt in alle Bereiche ein, die für ein gutes Foto wichtig sind. Angefangen vom Equipment über die richtige Aufnahmetechnik bis hin zur Bearbeitung am (...)
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    Structure and Irony in Social Revolutions.David D. Laitin & Carolyn M. Warner - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (1):147-151.
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    The identity and witness of Arab pre-Islamic Arab Christianity: The Arabic language and the Bible.David D. Grafton - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Αντιγραφη in Proclus' In Parmenidem: A correction of the budé edition.David D. Butorac - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):310-320.
    There are presently two modern critical editions of Proclus' commentary on the Parmenides. One, the edition of the Oxford Classical Texts, was completed under the auspices of Carlos Steel in 2009. The other, the Budé edition, under the editorship of Concetta Luna and the late Alain-Philippe Segonds, followed soon after, with the third of the first three books of the commentary having appeared in the early 2012. This most recent two-part volume of the Budé addresses, for the final time it (...)
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    Reply to Critics of The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues.David D. Corey - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):389-392.
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    Mother‐Son Intimacy and the Dual View of Woman in Andalusia: Analysis Through Oral Poetry.David D. Gilmore - 1986 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 14 (3):227-251.
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    COREC Model Information: Can Patients Read What COREC Wants Us to Give Them?David D. Pothier, Paul Nankivell & Corné-Louise Bredenkamp - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):22-23.
    For a patient to make an informed decision about participation in research, it is fundamental that they can understand what is involved. COREC has produced a model information sheet and consent form that researchers are encouraged and sometimes forced to use by LRECs. By applying readability statistics to these documents we have shown that the majority of the UK population would not be able to read this proposed text.
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    Toxicity abounds: New histories on pesticides, environmentalism, and Silent Spring.David D. Vail - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:118-121.
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    The Poet as Elaborator: Analytical Psychology as a Critical Paradigm.David D. Cooper - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):51-63.
    Perhaps the best way to understand Harold Bloom's enigmatic theory of "poetic misprision" is to avoid the immanent critique altogether. It is best described, rather , as a synthesis. Bloom seems to have taken Aristotle's mimesis and linked it to Freud's concept of sublimation,1 with particular emphasis on the role that sublimation plays in "the family romance." Even if one were to hedge a bit and take into account the fact that neo-Freudian re-evaluations of orthodox psychoanalysis have succeeded in extracting (...)
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  27. Assuring the public good in higher education : essential framework conditions and academic values.David D. Dill - 2014 - In Ourania Filippakou & Gareth Williams, Higher education as a public good: critical perspectives on theory, policy and practice. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Economic Democracy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Black Church Tradition.David D. Daniels - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (182):29-45.
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    11. History as Thought and Action: Croce's Historicism and the Contemporary Challenge.David D. Roberts - 1999 - In Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton & Massimo Verdicchio, The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views. University of Toronto Press. pp. 196-230.
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    Possibilities in “a thoroughly historical world”: Missing Hayden white's missed connections.David D. Roberts - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (2):265-277.
    This article assesses Herman Paul's intellectual biography of Hayden White, the most important figure in the philosophy of history of the past half century. Offering a clear overview of White's career and contribution, Paul's account proceeds chronologically from the 1950s to the present, distinguishing the phases of White's career, but convincingly pinpointing an abiding core of concerns around an existentialist and liberationist humanism. In that light, White sought to show the way beyond historiographical realism to more innovative approaches—ideally to serve (...)
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    Una nuova interpretazione del pensiero di Croce: lo storicismo crociano e il pensiero contemporaneo.David D. Roberts - 1995 - Ist. Editoriali e Poligrafici.
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  32. Slippery slope arguments.David D. White - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2):206.
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    The Sophists in Plato's Dialogues.David D. Corey - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Draws out numerous affinities between the sophists and Socrates in Plato's dialogues._.
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    AI decision-support: a dystopian future of machine paternalism?David D. Luxton - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):232-233.
    Physicians and other healthcare professionals are increasingly finding ways to use artificial intelligent decision support systems in their work. IBM Watson Health, for example, is a commercially available technology that is providing AI-DDS services in genomics, oncology, healthcare management and more.1 AI’s ability to scan massive amounts of data, detect patterns, and derive solutions from data is vastly more superior than that of humans. AI technology is undeniably integral to the future of healthcare and public health, and thoughtful consideration of (...)
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    Jonathan Edwards in his time, and in ours.David D. Hall - 2004 - Modern Intellectual History 1 (3):387-398.
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    Introducing the Concept of the Research Governance 'Ratchet'.David D. Pothier - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (2):72-73.
    Ensuring that research is of high quality and is based on sound ethical principles is not easy; it requires a fine balance between adequate oversight and suitable facilitation. The current state of research ethics governance is an ideal environment to maintain a governance ‘ratchet’ rather than produce a well-organized and carefully thought out ‘dial’.
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    Digital Travel Photography Digital Field Guide.David D. Busch - 2006 - Wiley.
    Your digital camera is the perfect travel companion. You don't need to pack extra film, worry about airport scanners, budget for processing costs, or wait until you get home to learn whether you got that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Tuck this book in beside your Frommer's travel guide and you'll have everything you need for fantastic photos-how to watch for the right opportunity, compose the picture, work with lighting-even how to edit and upload from the road. * Learn what you must take (...)
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    Nikon D80 Digital Field Guide.David D. Busch - 2011 - Wiley.
    Having trouble putting down your Nikon D80 long enough to read the manual? Slip this convenient, full-color guide into your camera bag instead. You'll find big, clear color photos to help you identify the camera's many controls, complete information on using each button and dial, and breathtaking examples of the results. Then discover step-by-step recipes for shooting terrific photos in more than 15 specific situations. This indispensable guide is like having a personal photographic assistant. Test-drive your Nikon D80 with a (...)
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    Digital Slr Cameras and Photography for Dummies.David D. Busch - 2011 - For Dummies.
    Provides information on using digital SLR cameras, covering such topics as memory cards, choosing exposure, lenses, using RAW files, using the flash, composing a photograph, and image editing.
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    Sony Alpha Dslr-A100 Digital Field Guide.David D. Busch - 2007 - Wiley.
    Describes the features of the Sony Alpha DSLR-A100 camera, with information on such topics as exposure, lighting, lenses, composition, landscape photography, panoramic photography, and editing pictures.
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  41. The place and purpose of hypotheses in Proclus: method, logic, mathematics and philosophy.David D. Butorac - 2012 - In Angela Longo, Argument from Hypothesis in Ancient Philosophy. Bibliopolis. pp. 365–382.
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    The monarchy and the Fascist regime in Italy.David D. Roberts - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Controversy has long surrounded the complex relationship between King Victor Emmanuel III and the dictator Benito Mussolini in Fascist Italy. It is clear that the king played decisive roles in bringing Mussolini to power in 1922 and in removing him in 1943. In between, the two coexisted as Italy became a ‘dyarchy’, with two foci of power. The presence of the monarchy at once checked Fascist radicalism and persuaded many conservatives to adhere to the regime. Thanks especially to the monarchy, (...)
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    Arendt's solidarity: anti-Semitism and racism in the Atlantic world.David D. Kim - 2024 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Hannah Arendt's work inspires many to stand in solidarity against authoritarianism, racial or gender-based violence, climate change, and right-wing populism. But what if a careful analysis of her oeuvre reveals a darker side to this intellectual legacy? What if solidarity, as she conceives of it, is not oriented toward equality, freedom, or justice for all, but creates a barrier to intersectional coalition building? In Arendt's Solidarity, David D. Kim illuminates Arendt's lifelong struggle with this deceptively straightforward yet divisive concept. (...)
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  44. A liberal democratic approach to language justice.David D. Laitin & Rob Reich - 2003 - In Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten, Language Rights and Political Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 80--104.
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    Nothing But History: Reconstruction and Extremity After Metaphysics.David D. Roberts - 1995 - University of California Press.
    "An admirable accomplishment.... Roberts provides valuable insights into the current debate on the nature of historical knowledge in our present 'postmodern' time. Anyone concerned with the philosophy of history will need to reckon with this book."--Allan D. Megill, author of "Prophets of Extremity".
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  46. The Absurd Hero in American Fiction Updike, Styron, Bellow, Salinger /by David Galloway. --. --.David D. Galloway - 1981 - University of Texas Press, C1981.
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    Learning in the Plural: Essays on the Humanities and Public Life.David D. Cooper - 2014 - Michigan State University Press.
    Can civic engagement rescue the humanities from a prolonged identity crisis? How can the practices and methods, the conventions and innovations of humanities teaching and scholarship yield knowledge that contributes to the public good? These are just two of the vexing questions David D. Cooper tackles in his essays on the humanities, literacy, and public life. As insightful as they are provocative, these essays address important issues head-on and raise questions about the relevance and roles of humanities teaching and (...)
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  48.  25
    An Introduction to Constructivism for Social Workers.David D. Fisher - 1991 - Praeger.
    Constructivism is based on the principle that our personalities, behavior, and society are organized by the ways in which we attribute meanings to events, and act upon those meanings. It provides a philosophy, an epistemology, and methods that are especially congruent with the central values of social work, particularly client self-determination. In this volume, Dr. David D.V. Fisher introduces social workers to constructivism, a perspective which is becoming increasingly popular in the social sciences, and which has already been embraced (...)
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  49.  22
    Written Consent: Sometimes More Trouble than it is Worth?David D. Pothier - 2008 - Research Ethics 4 (2):78-79.
    Informed consent is crucial in most research but written consent is not without its drawbacks. Written consent serves to protect the researcher more than it serves to protect the participant and this can present a barrier to their relationship. In certain circumstances it can undermine the trust important in research. For ‘simple’ studies, where treatments are largely interchangeable or where consent is implied, written consent can be considered not only to be unnecessary, but actually harmful. Research ethics committees should consider (...)
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    Benedetto Croce and the Uses of Historicism.David D. Roberts - 1987
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